Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daddy Please Come

Waiting on you makes me wonder if you are still coming
But the no call no show games always seem to happen
The crickets would join me on my journey to wait for you
Hoping to hear a car but all I hear is the cricket chirping

Crying because of the lies you have told me
Tears from my eyes you have stole from me
When you tell me." Baby girl I'm on my way"
Pulling up in the drive way I see you

Don't leave me please I'm coming
I'm stuck at your house all along
While sleeping all day long as if you were home a long
Daddy please come and get me were my childhood memories

They are leaving me now
What more can be said ? What more can be done?
All I remember is my favorite words as a child
Daddy please come.
By: Iesha

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