Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Home

No matter how rich or poor
I become in life, I will never be homeless
Home is not within four walls or under a roof
My home is not a house, but home
Is in the eyes and arms of those I love.
By: Chrystal

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daddy Please Come

Waiting on you makes me wonder if you are still coming
But the no call no show games always seem to happen
The crickets would join me on my journey to wait for you
Hoping to hear a car but all I hear is the cricket chirping

Crying because of the lies you have told me
Tears from my eyes you have stole from me
When you tell me." Baby girl I'm on my way"
Pulling up in the drive way I see you

Don't leave me please I'm coming
I'm stuck at your house all along
While sleeping all day long as if you were home a long
Daddy please come and get me were my childhood memories

They are leaving me now
What more can be said ? What more can be done?
All I remember is my favorite words as a child
Daddy please come.
By: Iesha

Lost Time

Open and stand on the balcony.
Admiring the purple beauty of the sunset.
Reminiscing on my past memories
that Race through my mind.
I look to the skies and just stare,

while the tears roll out of my weary eyes.
This can't be the end, but
you have already left me in this
state of mind; which I can't escape.
Wont you come back for one more

visit or will this be the end between us.
I predict that the fate of our sparking
chemistry will bring us together again.
Hope you have a pleasant drive
while I stare at the shining stars.

Confused about whats happened,
my mind thoughts have changed.
Now and its.........
So dark over the hills my heart.

Him and Me

I go to the door often
because of my memories
With him. He had my
Soul and heart too.
The sound of chirping
Makes me sing
He gave me his heart
And promised a ring
As I think about our time together
The secrets shared were brutal
In his mind I was
Driving to our place
of refuge. The place were
we first met
We walked a long the
beach, our hands clasped
Tightly while hearing the roaring sea.
When we have the leave
Each other. Only time will
Tell our misfortune.
You are my star that glows
on my dark weary days.
Who put you in the right
direction. The direction towards me.
As we say goodbye to each other.
We ill see each other again.
So dark over the room
Our love has just begin.

The Swinging Door

Looking at the summer skies
Wondering what I could do outside
Crickets give me ideas to run wild
Hopping, skipping, shooting
As time goes by
I crushed one and felt the pain
I rushed to the drain
Why wouldn't you shoot?
And joined the fun, I thought was there
Speeding, thinking of the time of pairs
I forget to cry
So I go to bed
Then I dream
But I see you standing
You have another token
I was no longer it
I'm that star
That you did not pick
Now I am chanting long and far
I echo
But I was the one too
Walk to keep you going
Now I'm stuck behind you
Waiting for time to come again.